Wednesday, September 11, 2013

9/11 in Morocco!

Yesterday was the 12th anniversary of 9/11.  Living in a Morocco for a month has strengthened my conviction that 9/11 should not be associated with Islam but with extremism.  Extremism exists in all religions and ideologies.  You can't blame all Muslims for the acts of a few extremists.  Most Muslims are decent, kind people.  They deserve respect as human beings.  Let their actions as individuals determine the nature of their character - not the actions of a few fanatics.  There are extremists Jews and Christians.  There are ideological extremists.  When you demonized all Muslims for the actions of a few extremists, you dehumanize them and justify extremist retaliation against innocent people.  Look at what happened in Iraq.  On 9/11, I was surrounded by the kindness and compassion of the Moroccan people.  It was the perfect place to experience the 12th anniversary of 9/11.  It reminded me that compassion and understanding are the foundation of peace and not irrational hatred and distrust.

1 comment:

  1. So true. The acts of a few should not condemn an entire race of people.

    Love You --- Theresa
